Sunday 31 July 2016

Video Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt

Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Title : Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Duration : 04:56
Channel : Mary Mentzer
Label : Fruit (CSA Product), healthy cooking, low-calorie, Healthy Meals to Lose Weight, Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt
Healthy Meals to Lose Weight: Homemade Fruit Flavoring for Yogurt

It's hard to love plain Greek yogurt. You want to because you know it's good for you but it doesn't taste that great. The problem is if you get the fruit flavored varieties there's a ton of sugar and calories added. Let's make our own fruit filling so we can control what goes in it. First freeze a cup of your favorite fruit. Berries, bananas, peaches and mangos are among my favorites. In a saucepan, heat the frozen fruit with ¼ cup water and gently simmer for about 20 -30 minutes. When the fruit has released its water and thickened up it's done! The secret here is to add a little fresh squeezed lemon juice to brighten up the flavor and make the fruit taste stand out. Then blend until smooth and add to your plain yogurt guilt free! Happy Cooking! - Mary Website: For great dishes, check out these videos: Subscribe:

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