Monday 1 August 2016

Video How to Get Perfect Puffle Health

How to Get Perfect Puffle Health
How to Get Perfect Puffle Health
Title : How to Get Perfect Puffle Health
Duration : 01:40
Channel : elizpengu
Label : camstudio, club, penguin, how, to, get, perfect, puffle, health, clubs, penguins, puffles, pet, pets, elizpengu, eliz, pengu, clubpenguin, miniclip, tags
How to Get Perfect Puffle Health
How to Get Perfect Puffle Health
How to Get Perfect Puffle Health
How to Get Perfect Puffle Health

This tutorial shows you how to get perfect puffle health. I did NOT use any hacks, I do not support hacking. I noticed that I said "That easy!" twice. Not trying to be cheap and cheesy, I just didn't notice I had said it twice. And I meant to say bathe the puffle instead of water it. But annotions can fix that, right? Camstudio was used to record this video.

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