Wednesday 31 August 2016

Video Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command

Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command
Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command
Title : Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command
Duration : 05:29
Channel : miningdata
Label : Perl-Tutorial, Windows Console, How to, Tutorial, Web Application (Industry), Bioinformatics (Technology Class), Programming Language (Literary Genre), Programming, For Deaf, Tutorium, Editor, Beginner, Technology (Professional Field), Perl (Programming Language), Hello World, Beginner Tutorial, Help, Perl Tutorial Episode 1, tutorat, Informatic, Episode 1, Windows, apprentissage, Notepad++ (Software), Deaf, Learning, MiningData, Perl lernen, Open a Perlscript, Tutorium Perl
Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command
Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command
Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command
Perl-Tutorial, Episode 1: Hello World and the print command

This is a Perl-Tutorial aimed at people who aren't used to perl Episode 1: In this episode i will try to explain how to write a perl program. Therefor, i will at first explain what an editor is. Then i will show you how to start a perl program by using the console. At last, i will show you how to write the famous "hello world" programm. Sources: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

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