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TUTORIAL AGGIORNATO Cera depilatoria di zucchero Naturale (DIY SUGAR WAX) | Ceretta Carlitadolce |
Title : TUTORIAL AGGIORNATO Cera depilatoria di zucchero Naturale (DIY SUGAR WAX) | Ceretta Carlitadolce
Duration : 06:56
Channel : carlitadolce
Label : carlitadolce, ceretta, depilatoria, cera, beauty, wax, zucchero, sokkar, ecobio, carlita, fai da te, baffetti, sugaring depilation, tutorial, howto, cera araba, cosmetici naturali, diy, caramello, cosmetici fai da te, arabic, spignattare, sugar, homemade, limone, lola, fatta in casa, cosmetici, scrub, gambe, peli incarniti, cosmesi, bellezza, depilazione, orientale, biologici, ecologica, fitocose, delicata, indolore, corpo, braccia, estetista, inguine, makeup, ricette, bikini, line, legs, rimedi casalinghi, naturale, cosmetics
Duration : 06:56
Channel : carlitadolce
Label : carlitadolce, ceretta, depilatoria, cera, beauty, wax, zucchero, sokkar, ecobio, carlita, fai da te, baffetti, sugaring depilation, tutorial, howto, cera araba, cosmetici naturali, diy, caramello, cosmetici fai da te, arabic, spignattare, sugar, homemade, limone, lola, fatta in casa, cosmetici, scrub, gambe, peli incarniti, cosmesi, bellezza, depilazione, orientale, biologici, ecologica, fitocose, delicata, indolore, corpo, braccia, estetista, inguine, makeup, ricette, bikini, line, legs, rimedi casalinghi, naturale, cosmetics
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TUTORIAL AGGIORNATO Cera depilatoria di zucchero Naturale (DIY SUGAR WAX) | Ceretta Carlitadolce |
A grande richiesta ecco il Tutorial Completo sulla ceretta fatta in casa!.. per gambe belle e perfettamente depilate :-) Va benissimo anche per i baffetti e zone delicate.. per qualsiasi cosa, domanda, dubbio, opinione lasciate un commento! ;-) ////////////////////////////////////////////// Questo è il VIDEO DEI BAFFETTI: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulm-6Zjs5gk ///////////////////////////////////////////// PER LAVARE LA PENTOLA RIEMPIRLA CON ACQUA BOLLENTE E LASCIARLA IN AMMOLLO. DOPO UN PO' LO ZUCCHERO SI SARA' TUTTO SCIOLTO QUINDI SI PUO' SCIACQUARE VIA :-) ♥ mio FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carlitadolce-Cosmetici-Naturali/114701051917886 ♥ mio BLOG: http://carlitadolce.blogspot.com ♥ mio TWITTER: http://twitter.com/Carlitadolce TUTORIAL: HOW TO NATURALLY WAX WITH SUGAR: This is an updated version of my very first video tutorial: a 100% organic product which is made of ingredients readily available in every household. Say goodbye to paraffin wax! This newly formulated sugar wax has a hard texture, can easily be stored, is water-soluble and can be used in two different ways, as I will show you later in the video. Ingredients: Caster Sugar : 12 table spoons (approximately 240 gr) Fresh Lemons : 2 units Squeeze the lemons, filter their juice (approximately 60gr of lemon juice) and pour it into a saucepan. Add the caster sugar, mix and cook on low heat. Initially the mix will have a rather liquid and clear texture, and then, as it comes to the boil, it becomes even more liquid until it starts to turn golden. My sugar wax was ready 12 minutes after it reached its boiling point. I do advise you to check the mix throughout its preparation to make sure it is properly cooked. Get a heat resistant white surface (in my case an espresso cup) and check the colour and the texture of the mix. The wax is ready when it becomes dark amber-coloured. Transfer the wax into a recycled glass jar and let it cool. The next day my sugar wax was cold and hard. In order to use the wax you need to gently heat it, preferably in a bain-marie. Get your spatula and wax strips and keep an eye on your wax, which will be ready as soon as it looks like liquid honey. First Method: Spread the wax on the strip using the spatula, check its temperature to make sure it is not too hot, smooth the strip on the area you intend to wax and then swiftly remove it. As you can see the hair were only partially removed. Hence this first method is ideal for those of you with sparse and weak hair. Second Method: Check the wax temperature; spread it on the area you intend to wax, smooth the strip over it and firmly remove the strip. The second method is more appropriate for those of you who have stronger and less sparse hair. TIPS: - The same strip can be used more than once. There is no need to waste them; - You can make your waxing strips out of recycled material (e.g. cotton, jeans), which can be easily washed since this wax is water-soluble and totally organic. Carlita (thank's to Tina for translation!)
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